AFIO(1) AFIO(1) NAME afio - manipulate archives and files SYNOPSIS ... | afio -o [ options ] archive : write archive afio -i [ options ] archive : install archive afio -t [ options ] archive : list table-of-contents of archive afio -r [ options ] archive : verify archive against filesystem afio -p [ options ] directory [ ... ] : copy files Frequently used options: -v -Z -F -K -n -s volsize -b blocksize -y pattern -Y pattern DESCRIPTION Afio manipulates groups of files, copying them within the (collective) filesystem or between the filesystem and an afio archive. Note that afio archives are portable, as they contain only ASCII-formatted header information. They are also compatible with ASCII cpio(1) archives (ala cpio -c, for GNU cpio(1) also cpio -H odc). With -o, reads pathnames from the standard input and writes an archive. With -t, reads an archive and writes a table-of-contents to the standard output. With -i, installs the contents of an archive relative to the working directory. With -p, reads pathnames from the standard input and copies the files to each directory. With -r, reads archive and verifies it against the filesystem. This is useful for verifying tape archives. Creates missing directories as necessary, with permissions to match their parents. Generates sparse filesystem blocks (with lseek(2)) when possible. Removes leading slashes from pathnames when reading, writ- ing, and cataloging an archive, unless instructed not to. Supports multi-volume archives during interactive opera- tion (i.e., when /dev/tty is accessible and SIGINT is not being ignored). 1 AFIO(1) AFIO(1) OPTIONS -b size Read or write size-character archive blocks. Suffices of b, k and m denote multiples of 512, 1024 and 1048576, respectively. Defaults to 5120 for compatibility with cpio(1). -c count Buffer count archive blocks between I/O oper- ations. A large count is recommended with streaming magnetic tape drives. -d Don't create missing directories. -e bound Pad the archive to a multiple of bound char- acters. Recognizes the same suffices as -s. Defaults to 1x (the -b block size) for com- patibility with cpio(1). -f Spawn a child process to actually write to the archive; provides a clumsy form of dou- ble-buffering. Requires -s for multi-volume archive support. -g Change to input file directories. Avoids quadratic filesystem behavior with long simi- lar pathnames. Requires all absolute path- names, including those for the -o archive and the -p directories. -h Follow symbolic links, treating them as ordi- nary files and directories. -j Don't generate sparse filesystem blocks. -k Skip corrupt data at the beginning of an archive (rather than complaining about unrec- ognizable input). -l With -o, write file contents with each hard link. With -t, report hard links. With -p, attempt to link files rather than copying them. -m Mark output files with a common current timestamp (rather than with input file modi- fication times). -n Protect newer existing files (comparing file modification times). 2 AFIO(1) AFIO(1) -s limit Restrict each portion of a multi-volume archive to limit characters. Recognizes the same suffices as -b. Also, the suffix x denotes a multiple of the -b block size (and must follow any -b specification). Useful with finite-length devices which do not return short counts at end of media (sigh); output to magnetic tape typically falls into this category. When an archive is being read, using -s causes afio to prompt for the next disk if the specified volume length is reached. The -s will also cause afio to prompt if there is a premature EOF while reading the input. The special case -s 0 will activate this prompting for the next disk on EOF without setting a volume length. -u Report files with unseen links. -v Verbose. Report pathnames as they are pro- cessed. With -t, gives an ls -l style report (including link information). -w filename Treats each line in filename as an -y pat- tern, see -y. -x Retain file ownership and setuid/setgid per- missions. This is the default for the super- user; he may use -X to override it. -y pattern Restrict processing of archive read to names matching shell pattern pattern. Specify once for each pattern to be recognized. Use -Y to supply patterns which are not to be pro- cessed. -Y overrides -y if a filename matches both. Unless the -S option is given, leading slashes are ignored when matching patterns, e.g. /etc/passwd matches etc/passwd. See also -w and -W. -z Print execution statistics. This is meant for human consumption; use by other programs is officially discouraged. -A Do not turn absolute paths into relative paths. That is don't remove the leading slash. -B If the -v option is used, prints the byte offset of the start of each file in the archive. If your tape drive can start reading at any position in an archive, the output of -B can be useful for doing 3 AFIO(1) AFIO(1) quick selective restores. -D controlscript Set the control script name to controlscript, see the section on control files below. -E filename Read file extensions, separated by whitespace, from filename. Files with these extensions are not to be compressed when using the -Z option. filename may contain comments preceded by a #. If no -E is given, files with the extensions .Z .z .gz .arc .gif .zip .zoo .lha .jpeg .jpg .tpz .taz .tgz and .tzg will not be compressed. -F This is a floppy disk, -s is required. Causes floppy writing in O_SYNC mode under Linux. With kernel version 1.1.54 and above, this allows afio to detect some floppy errors while writing. Uses shared memory if compiled in otherwise mallocs as needed (a 3b1 will not be able to malloc the needed memory w/o shared memory), afio assumes either way you can malloc/shmalloc a chunck of memory the size of one disk. Examples: 795k: 3.5" (720k drive), 316k (360k drive) At the end of each disk this message occurs: Ready for disk [#] on [output] (remove the disk when the light goes out) Type "go" (or "GO") when ready to proceed (or "quit" to abort): -G factor Specifies the gzip(1) compression speed factor, used when compressing files with the -Z option. Factor 1 is the fastest with least compression, 9 is slowest with best compression. The default value is 6. See also the gzip(1) manual page. If you have a slow machine or a fast backup medium, you may want to specify a low value for factor to speed up the backup. On large (>200k) files, -G 1 typically zips twice as fast as -G 6, while still achieving a better result than compress(1). The zip speed for small files is mainly determined by the invocation time of gzip (1), see the -T option. -K Verify the output against what is in the memory copy of the disk (-F required). If the writing or verifying fails the following menu pops up [Writing/Verify] of disk [disk #] has FAILED! Enter 1 to RETRY this disk Enter 2 to REFORMAT this disk before a RETRY Enter quit to ABORT this backup 4 AFIO(1) AFIO(1) Currently, afio will not process the answers 1 and 2 in the right way. The menu above is only useful in that it signifies that something is wrong. -L Log_file_path Specify the name of the file to log errors and the final totals to. -M size Specifies the maximum amount of memory to use for the temporary storage of compression results when using the -Z option. The default is -M 2m (2 megabytes). If the compressed version of a file is larger than this (or if afio runs out of virtual memory), gzip(1) is run twice of the file, the first time to determine the length of the result, the second time to get the compressed data itself. -R Disk format command string This is the command that is run when you enter 2 to reformat the disk. The default (/bin/fdformat /dev/fd0H1440) can be changed to a given system's default by editing the Makefile. -S Do not ignore leading slashes when matching -y and -Y patterns. See also -A. -T threshold Only compress a file when using the -Z option if its length is at least threshold. The default is -T 0k. This is useful if you have a slow machine or a fast backup medium. Specifying -T 3k typi- cally halves the number of invocations of gzip(1), saving some 30% computation time, while creating an archive that is only 5% longer. The combination -T 8k -G 1 typically saves 70% computation time and gives a 20% size increase. The latter combination may be a good alternative to not using -Z at all. These figures of course depend heavily on the kind of files in the archive and the processor - i/o speed ratio on your machine. -W filename Treats each line in filename as an -Y pattern, see -y. -Y pattern See -y. -Z Gzip the files on the way out, in, and passing without links (valid w/ or w/o -F or -K), requires gzip(1) to be in your path. 5 AFIO(1) AFIO(1) NOTES Special-case archive names: o Specify - to read or write the standard input or output, respectively. This disables multi-volume archive handling. o Prefix a command string to be executed with an exclamation mark (!). The command is executed once for each archive volume, with its standard input or output piped to afio. It is expected to produce a zero exit code when all is well. o Use system:file to access an archive in file on sys- tem. This is really just a special case of pipelin- ing. It requires a 4.2BSD-style remote shell (rsh(1C)) and a remote copy of afio. o Anything else specifies a local file or device. An output file will be created if it does not already exist. Recognizes obsolete binary cpio(1) archives (including those from machines with reversed byte order), but cannot write them. Recovers from archive corruption by searching for a valid magic number. This is rather simplistic, but, much like a disassembler, almost always works. Optimizes pathnames with respect to the current and parent directories. For example, ./src/sh/../misc/afio.c becomes src/misc/afio.c. CONTROL FILES Afio archives can contain so-called control files. Unlike normal archive entries, a control file in not unpacked to the filesystem. A control file has a label and some data. When afio encounters a control file in the archive it is reading, it will feed the label and data to a so-called control script. The control script is supplied by the user. It can perform special actions based on the label and data it receives from afio. Control file labels. The control file mechanism can be used for many things. Examples are putting archive descriptions at the beginning of the archive and embedding lists of files to move before unpacking the rest or the archive. To distinguish between different uses, the label of a con- trol file should indicate the program that made the contol 6 AFIO(1) AFIO(1) file and the purpose of the control file data. It should have the form programname.kindofdata where programname is the name of the backup program that generated the control file, and kindofdata is the meaning of the control file data. Some examples are tbackup.movelist tbackup.updatescript blebberfiler.archivecontents backup_script_of_Joe_User.archivedescription The user-supplied control script should look at the label to decide what to do with the control data. This way, control files with unknown labels can be ignored, and afio archives maintain some degree of portability between dif- ferent programs that restore or index them. Control file labels that are intended to be portable between different backup programs could be defined in the future. Making control files. When making an archive, afio reads a stream containing the names of the files (directories, ...) to put in the archive. This stream may also contain `control file generators', which are lines with the fol- lowing format: //--sourcename label Here, the //-- sequence signals that a control file is to be made, sourcename is the path to a file containing the control file data, and label is the control file label. The sourcename must be a regular file or a symlink to a regular file. A control file will show up as //--CONTROL_FILE/label in an archive listing, where label is the control file label. Control scripts. A control script is supplied to afio with the -D controlscript command line option. The controlscript must be an exe- cutable program. The script is run whenever afio encoun- ters a control file while doing a -i -t or -r operation. 7 AFIO(1) AFIO(1) Afio will supply the control file label as an argument to the script. The script should read the control file data from its standard input. If the script exits with a non- zero exit status, afio will issue a warning message. If a contol file is encountered and no -D option is given, afio will issue a warning message. To suppress the warn- ing message and ignore all control scripts, -D "" can be used. An example of a control script is #!/bin/sh if [ $1 = "afio_example.headertext" ]; then #the headertext control file is supposed to be packed as the first #entry of the archive echo Archive header: cat - echo Unpack this archive? y/n #stdout is still connected to the tty, read the reply from stdout read yn <&1 if [ "$yn" = n ]; then #abort kill $PPID fi else echo Ignoring unknown control file. cat - >/dev/null fi Afio never compresses the control file data when storing it in an archive, even when the -Z option is used. When a control file is encountered by cpio(1) or an afio with a version number below 2.4.1, the data will be unpacked to the filesystem, and named CONTROL_FILE/label where label is the control file label. BUGS There are too many options. Restricts pathnames to 1023 characters and 255 meaningful elements. There is no sequence information within multi-volume archives. Input sequence errors generally masquerade as data corruption. A solution would probably be mutually exclusive with cpio(1) compatibility. Degenerate uses of symbolic links are mangled by pathname optimization. For example, assuming that "usr.src" is a symbolic link to "/usr/src", the pathname "usr.src/../bin/cu" is mis-optimized into "bin/cu" (rather 8 AFIO(1) AFIO(1) than "/usr/bin/cu"). The Linux floppy drivers below kernel version 1.1.54 do not allow afio to find out about floppy write errors while writing. If you are running a kernel below 1.1.54, afio will happily fail to write to (say) a write protected disk and not report anything wrong! The only way to find out about write errors in this case is by watching the kernel messages, or by switching on the verify (-K) option. The code for -F (and -f and -K ) is a complete mess. It will probably work in the normal case, but don't expect it to handle a write/verify error correctly. If you get such an error, best thing is to restart afio completely. SEE ALSO cpio(1), find(1), tar(1), compress(1), gzip(1). AUTHORS Mark Brukhartz ..!ihnp4!laidbak!mdb Jeff Buhrt uunet!sawmill!prslnk!buhrt Dave Gymer Andrew Stevens Koen Holtman (current maintainer) Anders Baekgaard 9